Cathrine laver yin yogaøvelsen knudeben i et smukt rum på Bali

22. september 2021

Citater om yoga

Citater er fantastiske. Jeg elsker små anekdoter, visdom og eftertænksomhed. Jeg har altid en bog med citater liggende på mit natbord. Soul to Soul. Hver måned vil jeg dele mine bedste citater om yoga og livet samt kærlighed og lykke. Første blogindlæg skal selvfølgelig handle om yoga. Jeg har samlet 10 fantastiske citater, der altid rammer mig lige i hjertet. Minder mig om fortiden, nutiden og fremtiden. Giver mig livseliksir og spirituel næring. Tilføj hjertens gerne dine bedste citater, hvis du har lyst. Det giver nemlig god karma!

Citater om yoga

  1. “Yoga is not a work-out, it is a work-in. And this is the point of spiritual practice. To make us teachable. To open up our hearts and focus our awareness so that we can know what we already know and be who we already are.” – Rolf Gates
  2. ”I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flows from the Highest Source. I salute that Source in you. Let us work together for unity and love.”  – Gandhi
  3. “You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga poses, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state.” – Sharon Gannon
  4. “Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama
  5. “There will always be people who can do it better than you, but that’s a good thing! Start to see competition as inspiration — without envy.” – Kathryn Budig
  6. “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.”
  7. “The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga. Make an attitude to be in gratitude, you will find the whole Universe will come to you.” – Yogi Bhajan
  8. “Crying is one of the highest devotional songs. One who knows crying, knows spiritual practice. If you can cry with a pure heart, nothing else compares to such a prayer. Crying includes all the principles of Yoga.” – Kripalvanandji
  9. ‎”The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.” – B.K.S. Iyengar
  10. “Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.” – Patanjali


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